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Chartwell Seventeen Advisory Group Inc. | New York, NY

Sandler partners with The Extended DISC group and uses DISC profiles to help you understand yourself, but more importantly help you understand why the people you deal with on a day-to-day behave the way they do.

These style and behavior profiles are extremely useful in effectively communicating with prospects. When you take this evaluation from a qualified coach or trainer, it will indicate what communication styles come most natural to you. None are better or worse, it simply indicates a person’s preferences. The styles are broken down into four categories:

  • "D" stands for dominant.  Words that describe this person's style are: Daring, Direct, Competitive, Persistent, Aggressive, Power, Impatient, etc.
  • "I" stands for influencer.  Descriptive words for this person's style are: Charming, Sociable, Popular, Confident, Talkative, Self-Promoting, Enthusiastic, etc.
  • "S" stands for steady relater.  Words describing this style are: Amiable, Stable, Steady, Patient, Friendly, Deliberate, Complacent, Predictable, Sincere, etc.
  • "C" stands for cautious analytic.  Words descriptive of this person's style are: Analytical, Precise, Fact-finder, Conscientious, Methodical, High standards, Accurate, etc.

Getting back to the fun part… different behavior styles cause people to act in different, but in predictable ways.  The more you practice looking for these characteristics the more proficient you become at identifying them.  You can get good at this by using your neighbor’s styles for practice.  Here's what to watch for.

The "C" Gardener

This person is into gadgets and complex machinery.  It is important for this person to have equipment that takes a real understanding to not only operate, but also to constantly tune, adjust and fix.  Therefore the tool for this person is the John Deere riding lawn mower, snowplow, front-end loader with infinitely adjustable mower angle and height and blade angles.

The "S" Gardener

The good old steady-relater of course is into simple reliable tools.  The hand trowel, garden rake and spade can do just about any job this regular gardener needs to do.  Always done it this way and it works fine.  "Who needs those “fancy-schmancy-new-fangled” widgets?"

The "I" Gardener

When it comes to making the yard look as good as the Jones', there is no one better than the "I".  Of course it stands to reason that the favorite tools here is the pruning shears and a simple, easy to use, name brand self-propelled lawn mower, with all the bells, whistles and lights so he can mow day or night - and he does.

The "D" Gardener

For those who have "D" neighbors you will quickly be able to guess this one.  The only tool of real importance to the "D" is the chain saw.  What else would do the job of minimizing large objects to a pile of sawdust quickly?  The well to do "D" also has a 5 horsepower mulcher.

Understanding what your behavior style is helps you to watch for characteristics in others that will help you predict how they are going to behave in various situations. Bottom line - this improves communication and will help you sell more.  Then your behavior will be to go to the bank more often.

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